kun432's blog



Raspberry Piで観葉植物の監視をする②






  • get_adcで各センサの電圧値を取得
  • valmapに電圧値を渡してパーセンテージ変換


def valmap(value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop):
    value = ostart + (ostop - ostart) * ((value - istart) / (istop - istart))
    if value > ostop:
       value = ostop
    return value
                moisture1 = round(valmap(sensor1, 5, 3.5, 0, 100), 0)



import signal
import sys
import time
import spidev

spi_ch = 0

# Enable SPI
spi = spidev.SpiDev(0, spi_ch)
spi.max_speed_hz = 1200000

def close(signal, frame):

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, close)

def get_adc(channel):

    # Make sure ADC channel is 0 or 1
    if channel != 0:
        channel = 1

    # Construct SPI message
    #  First bit (Start): Logic high (1)
    #  Second bit (SGL/DIFF): 1 to select single mode
    #  Third bit (ODD/SIGN): Select channel (0 or 1)
    #  Fourth bit (MSFB): 0 for LSB first
    #  Next 12 bits: 0 (don't care)
    msg = 0b11
    msg = ((msg << 1) + channel) << 5
    msg = [msg, 0b00000000]
    reply = spi.xfer2(msg)

    # Construct single integer out of the reply (2 bytes)
    adc = 0
    for n in reply:
        adc = (adc << 8) + n

    # Last bit (0) is not part of ADC value, shift to remove it
    adc = adc >> 1

    # Calculate voltage form ADC value
    # considering the soil moisture sensor is working at 5V
    voltage = (5 * adc) / 1024

    return voltage

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Report the channel 0 and channel 1 voltages to the terminal
        while True:
            adc_0 = get_adc(0)
            adc_1 = get_adc(1)
            sensor1 = round(adc_0, 2)
            sensor2 = round(adc_1, 2)
            print("Soil Moisture Sensor 1:", sensor1, " Soil Moisture Sensor 2:", sensor2)
    except: KeyboardInterrupt

実行してみた。Sensor 1の方。まず水につけない場合。

$ python test-soil-moistore-sensors.py
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.58  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.0
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.57  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.57  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.57  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.57  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.57  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.57  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.58  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.58  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 3.57  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01


$ python test-soil-moistore-sensors.py
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.0
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.89  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.02
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.89  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.01
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.0
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.9  Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0.0


$ python
Python 3.9.2 (default, Mar 12 2021, 04:06:34)
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> def valmap(value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop):
...     value = ostart + (ostop - ostart) * ((value - istart) / (istop - istart))
...     if value > ostop:
...        value = ostop
...     return value
>>> print(round(valmap(3.67, 5, 3.5, 0, 100),0))
>>> print(round(valmap(1.9, 5, 3.5, 0, 100),0))



import signal
import sys
import time
import spidev
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

# Pin 15 on Raspberry Pi corresponds to GPIO 22
LED1 = 15
# Pin 16 on Raspberry Pi corresponds to GPIO 23
LED2 = 16


spi_ch = 0

# Enable SPI
spi = spidev.SpiDev(0, spi_ch)
spi.max_speed_hz = 1200000

# to use Raspberry Pi board pin numbers

# set up GPIO output channel

def close(signal, frame):
    GPIO.output(LED1, 0)
    GPIO.output(LED2, 0)

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, close)

def valmap(value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop):
    value = ostart + (ostop - ostart) * ((value - istart) / (istop - istart))
    if value > ostop:
       value = ostop
    if value < ostart:
       value = ostart
    return value

def get_adc(channel):

    # Make sure ADC channel is 0 or 1
    if channel != 0:
        channel = 1

    # Construct SPI message
    #  First bit (Start): Logic high (1)
    #  Second bit (SGL/DIFF): 1 to select single mode
    #  Third bit (ODD/SIGN): Select channel (0 or 1)
    #  Fourth bit (MSFB): 0 for LSB first
    #  Next 12 bits: 0 (don't care)
    msg = 0b11
    msg = ((msg << 1) + channel) << 5
    msg = [msg, 0b00000000]
    reply = spi.xfer2(msg)

    # Construct single integer out of the reply (2 bytes)
    adc = 0
    for n in reply:
        adc = (adc << 8) + n

    # Last bit (0) is not part of ADC value, shift to remove it
    adc = adc >> 1

    # Calculate voltage form ADC value
    # considering the soil moisture sensor is working at 5V
    voltage = (5 * adc) / 1024

    return voltage

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Report the channel 0 and channel 1 voltages to the terminal
        while True:
            adc_0 = get_adc(0)
            adc_1 = get_adc(1)
            sensor1 = round(adc_0, 2)
            if sensor1 < 0.5:
                moisture1 = 0
                moisture1 = round(valmap(sensor1, MAX, MIN, 0, 100), 0)
            sensor2 = round(adc_1, 2)
            if sensor2 < 0.5:
                moisture2 = 0
                moisture2 = round(valmap(sensor2, 5, 3.5, 0, 100), 0)
            print(f"Soil Moisture Sensor 1: {moisture1}% ({sensor1}) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: {moisture2}% ({sensor2})")
            if moisture1 < 40 or moisture2 < 40:
                GPIO.output(LED1, 1)
                GPIO.output(LED2, 0)
                GPIO.output(LED1, 0)
                GPIO.output(LED2, 1)



$ python soil-moistore-sensors.py
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.0)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.0)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.0)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 1.0% (3.56) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
$ python soil-moistore-sensors.py
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.0)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.0)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 98.0% (1.94) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)
Soil Moisture Sensor 1: 99.0% (1.93) Soil Moisture Sensor 2: 0% (0.01)



